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MCIL Advantage
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Intimation of Board Meeting - 13.08.2014
Intimation for Appointment Compliance Officer - 01.11.2014
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.11.2014
Intimation of Board Meeting - 11.02.2015
Intimation for Appointment Compliance Officer - 09.03.2015
Intimation of Board Meeting - 30.05.2015
Closure of Trading Window - 30.05.2015
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.08.2015
Intimation of Board Meeting - 07.11.2015
Intimation of Board Meeting - 12.02.2016
Intimation of Board Meeting - 16.03.2016
Intimation of Board Meeting - 30.05.2016
Intimation of Board Meeting - 22.07.2016
Intimation of Board Meeting - 11.08.2016
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.11.2016
Disclosure 30(5) of SEBI (LODR) - 12.12.2016
Intimation of Board Meeting - 11.02.2017
Intimation of Board Meeting - 10.03.2017
Intimation of Board Meeting - 30.05.2017
Intimation for Recommendation of Dividend - 24.05.2017
Disclosure under Regulation 30(5) of SEBI (LODR) - 31.05.2017
Intimation of Applicability of IND AS
Intimation of Board Meeting - 17.08.2017
Intimation of Board Meeting - 13.09.2017
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.12.2017
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.02.2018
Intimation of Board Meeting - 30.05.2018
Intimation of Board Meeting - 13.08.2018
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.11.2018
Intimation of Board Meeting - 13.02.2019
Closure of Trading Window - 03.04.2019
Intimation of Board Meeting - 24.05.2019
Closure of Trading Window - 01.07.2019
Intimation of Board Meeting - 12.08.2019
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.11.2019
Closure of Trading Window - 01.01.2020
Intimation of Board Meeting - 14.02.2020
Closure of Trading Window - 01.04.2020
Intimation of Board Meeting
Closure of Trading Window - 29.07.2020
Intimation of Board Meeting 15.09.2020
Intimation of Board Meeting 06.11.2020
Closure of Trading Window - 31.12.2020
Closure of Trading Window - 30.09.2020
Intimation of Board Meeting 11.02.2021
Closure of Trading Window - 31.03.2021
Intimation of Board Meeting 30.06.2021
Closure of Trading Window - 30.06.2021
Intimation for Appointment Cost Auditor F.y 2021-22
Intimation of Board Meeting 10.08.2021
Intimation for Resignation of Independent Director
Intimation for Appointment of Additional Director (Independent Director)
Intimation of Book Closure and 27th Annual General Meeting
Closure of Trading Window - 30.09.2021
Intimation of Board Meeting 11.11.2021
Closure of Trading Window - 31.12.2021
Intimation of Board Meeting 11.02.2022
Intimation of Resignation of Independent Director Ms. Neha Gupta -02.08.2021
Intimation of Resignation of Independent Director Mr. Santosh Khandelwal -23.02.2022
Closure of Trading Window - 31.03.2022
Intimation for Appointment of Additional Director(Independent Director)
Intimation of Board Meeting_28.05.2022
Closure of Trading Window_30.06.2022
Intimation of Board Meeting_13.07.2022
Intimation of Book Closure and 28th AGM
Intimation of Board Meeting_28/07/2022
Intimation of Board Meeting_14/11/2022
Intimation of Board Meeting_14/02/2023
Closure of Trading Window_30.09.2022
Closure of Trading Window_31.12.2022
Closure of Trading Window_31.03.2023
Intimation of Board Meeting_30/05/2023
Closure of Trading Window_30.06.2023
Intimation of Board Meeting_12/08/2023
Intimation of Book Closure and 29th Annual General Meeting
Closure of Trading Window_30.09.2023
Intimation of Board Meeting_31/10/2023
Closure of Trading Window_31.12.2023
Intimation of Board Meeting_12.02.2024
Intimation for Resignation of Independent Director
Closure of Trading Window_31.03.2024
Intimation of Board Meeting_29.05.2024
Closure of Trading Window_30.06.2024
Intimation of Change in Directorate
Intimation of Board Meeting_10.08.2024
Loss of Share Certificate_24_08_2024
Closure of Trading Window_30.09.2024
Intimation of Board Meeting_12.11.2024