General information about company

Name of The CompanyMetal Coatings (India) Limited
BSE Scrip Code531810
NSE Symbol
MSE Symbol
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2021
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2022
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2021
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2021
Level of rounding used in financial resultsLakhs
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

Related party transactions

A. Details of related party

Name of the related partyVinay KhandelwalM/s. Khandelwal Busar Industries Private LimitedMr. Ramesh Chander KhandelwalMr. Pramod KhandelwalMr. R.A. SharmaMs. Ayati GuptaMr. Satish Kumar GuptaMr. Santosh KhandelwalMs. Neha GuptaMs. Rupali Aggarwal
Categories of related partiesOther related partyOther related partyPromotersPromotersKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parent
description of relationshipBrother of Mr. Pramod Khandelwal, Managing Director & KMP of the CompanyEnterprise in which Mr. Pramod Khandelwal, Managing Director and Mr. Ramesh Chander Khandelwal, Whole Time Director and also KMPs of the Company have substantial interestWhole-time DirectorManaging DirectorChief Financial OfficerCompany SecretaryIndependent - Non-Executive DirectorIndependent - Non-Executive DirectorIndependent - Non-Executive Director ( Ceased to be Independent Director with effect from 2nd August, 2021)Independent - Non-Executive Director( Appointed as Independent Director with effect from 30th June, 2021)
CIN of related partyU00000DL1981PTC011611

B. Details of related party transactions

Purchase of goods and services
Sale of goods and services638.93
Purchase of fixed assets
Sale of fixed assets
Rendering of services
Receiving of services
Leases 0.1812
Loans and advances given
Loans and advances taken
Loans and advances given that are repaid
Loans and advances taken that are repaid
Deposits placed
Deposits taken
Transfer of research & development
Transfers under lease agreement
Equity investment
Impairment in equity investment
Expense for bad or doubtful debts
Guarantees or collateral given
Guarantees or collateral taken
Interest income
Interest paid
Dividend income
Dividend paid
Management contracts including for deputation of employees
Settlement of liabilities by entity on behalf of related party


Short term employee benefits72725.41.730.
Post employment benefits
Other long-term benefits
Termination benefits
Share based payments

C. Outstanding balances


Un Secured344.61


Un Secured7.

Loans and advances given

Un Secured

Loans and advances taken

Un Secured

Deposits placed

Un Secured

Deposits taken

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral given

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral taken

Un Secured

Investment in equity

Un Secured

Provision for doubtful debt

Un Secured


Rent paid / payable
Sales of Goods and Rent Received / Rent Receivable
Remuneration to Whole-time Director of the Company (These figures do not include provisions for encashable leave and gratuity, as separate acturial valuation are not available)
Remuneration to Managing Director of the Company(These figures do not include provisions for encashable leave and gratuity, as separate acturial valuation are not available)
Remuneration to Chief Financial Officer of the Company (These figures do not include provisions for encashable leave and gratuity, as separate acturial valuation are not available)
Remuneration to Company Secretary of the Company(These figures do not include provisions for encashable leave and gratuity, as separate acturial valuation are not available)
Sitting Fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting Fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting Fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting Fees to Non-Executive Director